Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program

Contact Information

242 Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40506-0064

Land, Water, Trees, Wildlife: Simple Steps to Stewardship

Land, Water, Trees, Wildlife: Simple Steps to Stewardship

Flyer Logo

Land, Water, Trees, Wildlife: Simple Steps to Stewardship

Bullitt County Extension Office 384 Halls Lane Shepherdsville, KY 40165

Last Revised: Mar 9th, 2023

Date and Time

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Event Description

Plan to attend one of these identical workshops. Meal included. Registration is required.

This class will help you answer these questions, and more:
How do I get started with land stewardship?
What resource agencies are available?
How do I improve soil and water resources?
How do I manage my woodlands for timber and wildlife?
This class will help you answer these questions, and more:
This program is brought to you by UK Cooperative Extension
Service and KY Woodland Owners Association.

This work was funded in part by Cooperative Agreement No. 83575401-2 and a grant from the U.S. EPA under §319(h)
of the Clean Water Act through the Kentucky Division of Water to the University of Kentucky.

Attached Documents

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Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Resources


Contact Information

242 Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40506-0064